New York State Climate Impacts Assessment
We are excited to share that after more than two years of work, NYSERDA released the New York State Climate Impacts Assessment last week. Over 250 people contributed to this study, which assessed climate impacts across eight sectors: agriculture, buildings, ecosystems, energy, human health and safety, society and economy, transportation, and water resources.
Carrie and Nick co-chaired the Buildings Sector chapter, which evaluated how climate change will affect New York State and how we can build a more resilient future. Examining the short- and long-term impacts of climate change on New York State’s 5.3 million buildings, the chapter summarized key climate hazards, equity and climate justice, adaptation strategies and opportunities for positive change, and emerging research needs in the buildings sector.
NYS Climate Impacts Assessment Website
ASHRAE Director-at-Large
The ASHRAE Nominating Committee announced their slate of officers and directors for the 2024-25 society year and Carrie has been nominated to serve as a Director-at-Large (DAL) for a three-year term. Her other ASHRAE roles include: Technical Committee 4.2 Climatic Information chair, Standard 169 Climate Data for Building Standards secretary, Task Force for Building Decarbonization (TFBD) Executive Committee member, 2024 Decarbonization Conference for the Built Environment steering committee member, and Climate Change Position Document committee voting member.